Need More Traffic? Optimize Your Website! (Part IV)

There is one last step needed to move your website into high gear. This step is both easy and hard to implement. How is that for ambiguity? This technique is called linking.In this case, linking is when one website connects via a hyperlink to another website.Search engines such as Google use the number of links coming into your website to judge how important it may be to searchers. Links from websites that have a higher page rank than your website will benefit you the most.When linking, you need to find links that compliment your content. On our Arabian horse website, we may get links from a website that sells saddles or veterinary services.You could get a link from an online gambling service, but does that really develop your website’s theme and credibility?Everything the customer sees should further your goal. It does not matter if your site is a sales site or a public service site.You have spent a lot of time and effort establishing the quality of your website and the level of your expertise. It would be a shame to compromise it. Presenting a consistent professional message is essential to the success of your website.The various search engines reason that if you have many inbound hyperlinks, then you must be a resource for other websites.This will increase your ranking on the search engines.If you post articles to the submission sites we talked about in part 3, you will start to get the benefit of inbound links as they are picked up and posted to other websites and ezines.You will have to be patient though; it is not a rapid process.The mechanics of implementing the processes we have talked about are beyond the scope of an article. Many good books are available to show you how to change the technical aspects of your website or you can hire a consultant to handle everything for you.If you do hire someone, understand a pretty website does not necessarily make an effective website. Keep it simple, keep it effective and close the sale. Let the big corporations keep the showy flash presentations and watch your website become a profit center for you and your family.For the do-it-yourselfer, try “Electronic Marketing for Small Business” by Tom Antion. It is a great book on how to market your small business.Until next time, optimize!

Missed Opportunities That Small Businesses Make Everyday To Increase Income and Leverage The Company

Amazingly there are business opportunities around us everyday. Our biggest struggle is being able to recognized them when they are presented to us. Also with recognizing an opportunity, is learning how to capitalize on it financial? It can be a balancing act, especially for the Small Business Owner. Listing below are Five Ways To Discover An Opportunity.BIG COMPLAINT OPPORTUNITYA great business opportunity is to listen to complaints from customers, from other people, from clients, from customer service postings, from people within your industry, or within your circle or community. Look to provide your services as a solution. Learn what others are not offering and start to offer what’s lacking. Fill in the holes of what’s lacking from the services that your competition does not provide. For example, the complaint is prices are to high for small or private businesses to have someone to come and clean a small office space. You are the owner of a small Cleaning Service, that can’t really compete with larger services due to lack of staff. However, recognize this hole in a larger company services. They don’t really work with small jobs or provide one day Business to Business cleaning service at an affordable prices. Maybe if you contact, other small businesses, small apartment complexes, small unit business or private companies, this could be a better fit for your business. If nothing else you could certainly out price larger companies, due to lower over head.HELPING OTHERS OR VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITYI can’t count how many times volunteering and just helping other has brought me business opportunities. I volunteer just because I enjoy giving back. However, it seems that opportunities from me giving my time to others always finds its way back to me. I teach a class Facebook for Baby Boomers, at the local libraries or community centers. The Houston Chronicle Newspaper found out & did a feature article in the Senior Section. My business increased, because other senior groups offered for me to come and coach there groups. How can you use your hobby, skills and talents to give back to others?TRACKING AN OPPORTUNITYTracking is really a simple and often under utilized way to gain business opportunities for yourself. By tracking Demographics or Social Trends of your industry you can place your business services right in the middle of the action, so to speak. Demographics are traits that can determine buying behavior or product preferences. Demographic tracking can include age, income, or geographical region. Determine which demographic area does your product or service include the most people, then market to them. Looking at the Social Trends as well, is also a good way to determine which direction your industry is going. Are they moving offline, or online? Are they using sources like Websites & Blogs,which are great social trends for most small business right now. Creating a Business Social Media site to track business opportunities can also be an inexpensive solution for small businesses.CAPITALIZE ON NEW TECHNOLOGY OPPORTUNITYCapitalizing on new technology is easy to recognize in the big picture. For example how computers replaced typewriters or how smart phones are replacing cell phone. Technology is always moving and growing in every industry. However, it is the business that recognizes the small needs and capitalizes on it that can really crave out an exclusive niche for themselves. Let’s go back to the Cleaning Service. If that same company integrates, Eco- Friendly Products for Offices, Homes, and safe for uses around kids. This business has now used new technology to increase business opportunities.CAPITALIZE ON NEW LAWS OPPORTUNITYCapitalizing on new laws can create needs for consultants, training, and products. So it’s important to stay alert to the opportunities these types of changes can bring. For a while companies like Amazon relished the opportunity of no sale taxes. It afforded them lower prices to consumers of products. The law is now changing, but what a sweet spot deal it has been for all these many years for Amazon. Can you find your sweet spot?

20 Health Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss & Health Goals

How can you expect to manage health & weight, when you’ve never been taught how to? It’s not you!
It’s a broken approach.There is a reason our society is getting sicker…today you see more illness, obesity, allergies, digestive disorders, cancer, diabetes, immune & thyroid disruptions, neurological conditions, etc. You may fail to understand how nutrient imbalances deeply effect your health, because you THINK you’re already “eating healthy”, but you’re not choosing foods that provide life, energy & health to the body because you’ve never been taught how to.So, you’re actually creating & struggling needlessly with poor weight, health issues & food cravings by “eating healthy”!…*Read on for our “health foods” to avoid in order to control health & weight.BOMBSHELL…The following “health foods” are NOT healthy for managing your body weight, energy or illness!The following are NOT “healthy foods”, nor will they support a healthy body weight, a strong immune system to avoid illness & disease, or balanced energy & mood for your busy life! If you’re consuming these masquerading “health” foods, their ingredients may be keeping your body in a state of hormonal & nutrient imbalance which generates a physical food addiction with uncontrollable food cravings, while disrupting your bodies natural ability to stay thin & healthy! Take a look at these foods posing as “health foods” that are DEFEATING your health….* Smart Balance butter
* Eggbeaters
* Splenda (Yes, Splenda!) & other artificial sweeteners
* Breads & cereals that claim to be “Whole Grain”
* Soy milk, soy cheese & other soy-based products like Tofu
* Morningstar Veggie Burgers & similar meatless products
* Low-fat or Non-Fat Packaged or Cured Lunch Meats
* Healthy Balance soups
* Fruit juices
* Weight Watchers, Nutri-system, or other “healthy brand” foods
* Whole wheat pastas
* Bran muffins & whole wheat bagels
* Fat-Free Non-Dairy Creamers
* Canola or Vegetable oils
* Anything that says “Enriched” or “Fortified”
* Low-fat or Fat-free milks & cheeses
* Low-fat or Fat-free packaged snack foods
* Diet sodas
* Powerade, Gatorade or Vitamin Water
* Elimination of red meat
* Low-fat or frozen yogurts
* Daily over-consumption of fruit – YES fruit!
* Frozen dinners posing as “healthy” or “natural”So you’ve thought you were doing the proper things to be healthy & avoid weight gain, but your out-dated health & nutrition approach is wreaking havoc on your health! Efficient & effective nutrition approach frees you of physical food addictions, balances hormone disruptions, and allows your body to return to great health & a natural weight with ease & abundance, vs. harmful diets & starvation!You are evolving, food production is evolving, your lifestyle & demands are evolving,… so why isn’t your approach to nutrition & health evolving? You need a nutrition & health mindset shift!NEWSFLASH: You will NEVER manage your weight & health successfully, or avoid disease in your lifetime, without a mindset shift to nutrition.If you want to be in control of your health, you need to empower yourself with accurate, individualized health & nutrition knowledge. The most common mistake is OVER-estimating the use of exercise & UNDER-estimating the use of nutrition. If you’re approaching nutrition accurately to get your body in healthful balance, there is no need to waste endless hours exercising to battle you’re health. With a targeted nutrition foundation, you’ll become healthier internally, thinner naturally, & you’ll lose the need to OVER exercise, because movement is simply a COMPLIMENT to a solid, nutrition program – not a weapon against it. And who couldn’t use more hours in their day?!Our societies disease-care system is slowly realizing we need a PROACTIVE vs. REACTIVE health approach vs. waiting til sickness emerges before we pay attention! The pills & plethora of medical procedures are failing bandaids to the MUCH larger problem: you still lack knowledge on how to CREATE HEALTHFUL BALANCE in your health & body to avoid obesity & illness in the first place.You DON’T have to accept a life of obesity, illness, pills, poor energy & depression. You CAN control your health & CREATE the life you desire!!You CAN learn preventative health tools for today’s world to be prepared & protect your families short & long-term health. Begin to gain the knowledge to start breaking through blocks that have been secretly sabotaging your health & weight until today by learning how to develop a REVITALIZING nutrition approach:* Gain great energy
* Improve mental clarity & focus
* Optimize weight & body composition naturally
* Possess a joyful mood
* Amp confidence & zest for life
* Enjoy beautiful skin
* Boast ZERO health imbalances or illness
* Eliminate need for pills or medication BANDAIDSLife doesn’t have to be about obesity, poor energy, mood & hormonal imbalance, illness & pills; you have THE POWER & CHOICE to create the health & life you want. Start with eliminating the foods mentioned above & begin to open your mind to the value of whole foods nutrition for optimal health & healing.

The True Difference Between Motorcycle Oil and Automotive Oil

To some people, changing the oil in your car is just like changing the oil in your motorcycle. Just drain out the old oil, install a new oil filter, and pour in the desired amount of new oil and your done. So when it comes time to change your motorcycle oil, why can’t you use the same oil that you use in your car? Motorcycle oil and automotive oil look and feel the same so how could there be a difference between the two?Automotive oil looks pretty enticing at $3 a quart but any experienced motorcycle rider knows that using automotive oil in motorcycles causes serious damage. In automotive vehicles, the engine is always separate from the clutch and transmission so they have separate oils for each. In automotive engine oil, there is more of what is called “friction modifiers” to help lessen the amount of friction on engine components and improve fuel economy. Of course, improving fuel economy has always been the main goal of the automotive industry making friction modifiers a necessity for all automotive oils.These friction modifiers that are added to automotive oils are what cause serious damages when used in motorcycles. The friction modifiers clog the clutch plates in a motorcycle’s transmission causing serious clutch slippage and disabling the motorcycle. You see, for motorcycles to be as compact as they are, they have to combine their engine and transmission into one casing. This means that everything is lubricated by only one type of oil including the valves, piston, transmission, and clutch.Motorcycles require very little and/or no friction modifiers to help improve clutch friction and to prevent clutch slippage. But to make up for this lack of friction modifiers, motorcycle oils use higher levels of anti-wear additives such as ZDDP, also known as phosphorous, to limit engine friction and wear. Since motorcycle oil has extra anti-wear additives and is lubricating so much more than automotive oil, you can expect to pay anywhere from $9 to $15 a quart.To some people, both oils look and feel the same but now you know the facts of each. So the next time that you decide to change your motorcycle oil, go straight to your local motorcycle dealer and buy only high quality motorcycle oil designed specifically for the type of motorcycle you own. Make sure that you change your oil periodically to keep it fresh and clean to ensure a long life for your engine, transmission, and clutch.

Nutrition Supplements – Why Do People Take Them?

There are many reasons why people take nutrition supplements. Before I discuss the reasons, I will define nutrition and supplements. Nutrition is a science that examines the relationship between diet and health. The science of nutrition discovered hundreds of years ago that deficiencies in diet, excesses and imbalances in a diet can produce negative impacts on a person’s health, and these negative impacts may lead to a number of diseases.A supplement, in the dietary context, means something taken by people to enhance a diet. Supplements can include vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and other additives. Those who wish to gain muscle mass take bodybuilding supplements.An example of one supplement is folic acid. All women of childbearing age and especially those who are already pregnant are being recommended by their medical practitioners to take folic acid to prevent birth defects known as neural tube defects. Scientists have established that there are health benefits for adults also, in doses that are not usually achieved by consuming a typical diet.Research shows that consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements is common in the United States. People report a variety of reasons for taking nutrition supplements, including decreasing their susceptibility to health concerns such as heart attacks, colds, stress, flu and people also take supplements to increase their energy levels. Other reasons for taking supplements are to alleviate the pain from arthritis, to help reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, to reduce cholesterol problems, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, immune disfunction, osteoporosis, obesity, and alzheimers. People also take supplements to reduce their chances of getting cancer, and to help destroy existing cancer cells. So, science has established that nutrition plays a very important part in our health and well-being. The big question is – can the food we eat supply us with enough nutrients to help ward off disease and illness? There appear to be three different schools of thought in regard to this question.
One school of thought is that if we eat lots of different fruit and vegetables, we should get enough nutrients to keep us healthy. In the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is recommended that we should eat five to thirteen servings of fruit and vegetables a day. I don’t know anyone who eats that many servings every day, and I don’t think there would be many people who do. A lot of people buy their dinner from take away food shops on their way home from work, and while there are more healthier take away food shops opening up, they still don’t have very many fruit and vegetables. In addition, the fruit and vegetables we eat need to be fresh, and to be grown from nutrient rich soil. Because of pollution and toxic chemicals in our environment, the food we eat is not pure these days. During the last several decades, the nutritional benefits we could get from food have diminished. Years ago, farmers used to rotate crops to improve the quality of the produce, but that doesn’t happen now. Even organically grown foods are subject to the same contamination as other foods, unless they are grown in a protected environment.

Another school of thought is that specific supplements can be taken after diagnosis of a deficiency in our diet. For example, individuals with signs of a zinc deficiency or iron deficiency, may be recommended to take zinc or iron supplements.
The third school of thought is that prevention is better than cure, and it’s best to take a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals. In addition to vitamins and minerals, fruits such as açaí, noni, mangosteen, goji and amla, are considered to be nutritionally superior with more health benefits than those obtained from other fruits. Research has shown that some of these fruits can help protect the body against inflammation, harmful bacteria, oxidative stress, mental disorders, heart damage and high cholesterol. Previously, these fruits were only available in certain countries, but now many of them are being used in supplements so that everyone can benefit from them.
There is another consideration to be taken into account when deciding which school of thought fits into your way of life. Many of the multivitamins in tablet form cannot be absorbed into the cells of the body, so they are excreted with other waste materials, and the body gets little benefit from them. Some studies have indicated that our bodies absorb less than 10% of what is on the label on the tablets and capsules.What is on the label is not important, when it comes to nutrition. What is important, is our bodies ability to absorb the nutrients we take, into the bloodstream, because this delivers real nutritional value.Liquid nutrition supplements are absorbed into the blood stream right away. They are also a good choice for people who suffer from what we call “pill fatigue” because they are tired of choking down tablets and capsules. Taking tablets can be inconvenient and cumbersome.To summarize, people take nutrition supplements because they want to keep healthy or improve their health and energy levels. It’s not easy to eat enough nutrient rich fruit and vegetables in one day, to provide all our daily required nutrients. Therefore, supplements are a simple and convenient way to help prevent many serious and also the not so serious health concerns. Liquid supplements are absorbed into the bloodstream easily, and are a solution to “pill fatigue”.

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A Different Solution for Business Inventory Financing

We feel sorry for you. Your firm is not in the service industry. They are the lucky ones with respect to inventory financing – there is no inventory! Unlike your business, which produces goods and carries inventory to meet customer order needs your services firms have no storage requirements!If your firm has an investment in inventory then financing for that asset is often, if not always, vital. Financing via bank credit lines for the inventory component of your balance sheet is always difficult, if not in some cases impossible. Most business owners and financial managers know that of your two major current assets ( receivables and inventory ) that banks prefer receivable, aka a/r financing.So how do you finance your inventory, and what are the requirements to get such a facility in place? The reality is that every business is different and your firm will have different categories of inventory – most commonly they are raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods.Inventory financing in Canada is most often financed under an ABL facility. What is ABL is the next question our clients always ask. The acronym stands for asset based lending, and is a specialized type of financing that is mostly carried out by non bank institutions. Facility sizes tend to range from 250k and up, as it is not really economical for all parties (you and the lender) for finance amounts much under that.Your ability to control, report, and purchase inventory most economically are key drivers in an inventory financing decision made by your inventory financier. Your ability to monitor, stock, and produce and bill and collect are the basic requirements for an inventory financing facility. We would point out that in many cases this facility also includes a receivable component, because, as we all known, inventory flows into a receivable which flows into… dare we say it… cash!If you are unable to finance your inventory properly you can very easily get into what can best be describe as a ‘ cash trap ‘- and that’s not a good trap to be in. Typically each one thousand dollars of inventory on hand can cost you between 150 and 250 dollars per year when you take into account some obvious and not so obvious factors such as financing costs, storage, handling, insurance, and deterioration of the inventory which by its necessity forces you to do an asset write down.The irony is of course that you can have too much inventory or too little, it’s a balance act.When you arrange inventory financing you want to ensure you have reasonable levels of product – so you need to focus on both financing cost and order costs.If you have inventory financing fast efficient turns are potentially more possible and you annual carrying costs can be dramatically reduced- don’t forget that the cash you invest in inventory could be put to work elsewhere and in many cases earn, for example, at least 12% more in profits. That’s a very typical number for a manufacturer.Financing inventory is a challenge – you want to be able to take advantage of volume discounts, but at the same time limit your investment in inventory while satisfying customer order needs. Whew! That’s a real teeter totter don’t you think?!Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced business financing advisor who can guide you through inventory financing in a manner that supports your business and industry. Beating the inventory financing challenge is a solid financial accomplishment.

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